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Fundraising for Together For Water
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Good luck Exodus!
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Our Recent Supporters
+ £1.25 Gift Aid
Lisa Norton
In recognition of Alice Arnold’s birthday
Justin Bamford
+ £12.50 Gift Aid
Good luck Justin!
Donated to
Justin Bamford
Fundraising for Together For Water
Justin Bamford
+ £12.50 Gift Aid
Better late than never!
Kai Winterbottom
+ £5 Gift Aid
Well done all
Donated to
Andrew Lewis
Fundraising for Together For Water
Susan & Irina
+ £7.50 Gift Aid
Well done Nick!
Donated to
Nick Simpson
Fundraising for Together For Water
Sam Seward
+ £6.25 Gift Aid
Great cause Rich.
Donated to
Richard Isaacs
Fundraising for Together For Water
Daniel Selwood
+ £5 Gift Aid
Good luck!
Debra Grimshaw
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Amazing - Good luck Nick!
Donated to
Nick Simpson
Fundraising for Together For Water
Olivia McCaughran
+ £1.25 Gift Aid
Well done Nick, you’ve smashed it!!
Donated to
Nick Simpson
Fundraising for Together For Water
Approved Business Finance
Great work Nick and team from all at Approved Business Finance!
Katherine Mills
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Good luck Callum!
Donated to
Callum Laborde
Fundraising for Together For Water
simon kavanagh
great charity great effort
Donated to
Nick Simpson
Fundraising for Together For Water
mark fox
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Good luck Nick!
Donated to
Nick Simpson
Fundraising for Together For Water
Andy Crang
Donated to
Andy Crang
Fundraising for Together For Water